Monday, 21 January 2013

Quote of the Week - McCarthy

Jack McCarthy 1939 - 2013

"…so forgive me, Dylan,
I will go gentle into that good night,
or afternoon as the case may be,
there is no rage in me, not anymore
the years have been too kind
allow the light the right to die…"
- Jack McCarthy (excerpt from Victory)

We lost a great one this week.  Great human, great writer, wonderful storyteller, poet.  Most emphasis on the human.  It's hard not to be informed by Jack as soon as you are exposed to him and his work -- informed - not influenced - something about the who he was pre-empted that.  He seems to carry a standard of humility, honesty and integrity inside him that is unwavering.  Seemed. Carried.  If you haven't met him, then, now you won't.  You can still see him.

What made Jack great - so many things - but the things that come up for me and keep coming up in tributes - the (apparent) simplicity, the honesty, the complete lack of pretension, and the listening.  He was a consummate listener.  You felt him listening to you and to others.  Even while he was speaking.  Such a clear connection to self and to others.  This is the gift he shared tirelessly.  Exhaustively.

Jack McCarthy - stand up poet.  Stand up human.  Thank you for the listening.  Thank you for the speaking.  Yes, take that nap.

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