Saturday, 19 April 2014

NaPoWriMo 19/30 - Operating Instructions for the Post-Traumatic + Prompt for Day 20

Photo by Kal Lavelle

Operating Instructions for the Post-Traumatic

*Post in Plain Sight*

When the best option evaporates, choose the next best option. Do not choose the worst option, no option, or hiding in a corner. Choose the next best option. Do not hurt yourself because you are hurt.

Don’t do anything stupid. You might not know something smart to do in this moment, but don’t do the stupid thing. You know which is the stupid thing – it’s the thing that makes the base of your skull tingle like trouble’s coming. And trouble is – if you do it. Don’t do it. Do nothing. Wait for the smart thing to arise. Or for someone you trust to tell you what to do.

When you feel like you can’t, you can’t. So don’t. The sooner you stop trying or forcing, the sooner you might be able to.

Remind yourself often that you’re real.

It’s okay not to have a happy place. See if you can create an “it’s not so terrible here” place.

Make a playlist that will talk you down. Play it when you need to be talked down.

It’s non-linear. Remember this when becoming discouraged by the backward motion.

Figure out who makes you feel like you can’t. Never be with them.

Ignore the well-meaning advice of people who don’t know. You still know the difference between those who know and those who don’t.

Optimism can be a luxury in certain circumstances. Choose breath instead.

Fight the slow burn of not liking yourself. Don’t fight anything else – it takes too much energy.

Practise self deception as necessary – it’s often the difference between okay and very not okay.

Maintain the little things that ground you.

Let go of the rest.



DAY 20 PROMPT:  The Currency of Wonder

Thanks for reading.  Hope you're getting on in your NaPoWriMo

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