Monday 24 October 2011

Quote of the Week - Morrison

At some point in life the world's beauty becomes enough. You don't need to photograph, paint, or even remember it. It is enough. 
- Toni Morrison (via Goodreads)
Toni Morrison

Pretty much devoting today to beauty.  Sometimes that means a whole lot of housecleaning!  Enjoy this week before things start to want to feel like winter.

P.S.  Do you like the new look?

P.P.S.  It's totally awesome if you leave comments ON THE BLOG!  I would LOVE that!  I like hearing about how you read it when I see you or talk to you, but it'd be cool if you commented on the blog - then you could talk to each other, too!


J.M. said...

xo Agreed!

E. Amato said...

Yay! Thank you!